The other day I got my Moog Subsequent 37 and I first installed the editor (I’m on Windows 10) , made a firmware update and explored bank 1.

After a lot of fun, I tried the VST editor but got a message

The editor cannot connect to the hardware. Please connect your subsequent 37 and set MIDI In and Out on Setup page.

The error I get (got) when using the VST editor

The editor worked fine stand alone and I had a lot of fun playing around.
But then I wanted to add the editor as a VST to Propellerheads Reason.

The instrument is added. (no sound will be made by it, just a method to control your Sub(sequent) 37

When I opened the VST, I got a message it could not connect to the hardware and I needed to go to the settings page to select the right midi device.

Now I knew it should work (because it did stand alone), but I could not figure out what to do to solve it.
The Subsequent CV was present on the setup page of the editor, but nothing worked.

I found out that I had to install the (new) midi driver from Moog and after that the problem was gone. under editors.

Now I could connect to the Subsequent 37!

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